How to Froth Milk (with or without a frother)

It's easier than ever to make excellent coffee and espresso without even leaving home, but achieving that perfect layer of milk foam atop beloved beverages like lattes, macchiatos, and cappuccinos can feel unachievable. Luckily, with a proper milk frother—or even just a whisk or well-sealing jar—it's entirely possible to craft a cafe-perfect drink, foam and all, without an ounce of intimidation.

How to Use the L'OR Milk Frother

How to Use the L'OR Milk Frother

The best way to enjoy creamy milk froth without additional prep time is to use the L'OR Milk Frother, which delivers hot or cold milk foam with the press of a button. Just pour in the milk or milk alternative of your choice up to the fill line, 3.9oz, close the lid, and press the button once for hot foam or three times for cold foam.  

In under 140 seconds (or just 65 if you want cold foam for an iced coffee or iced espresso drink), the milk will have been frothed to perfection. While whole milk delivers the creamiest foam, the L'OR Milk Frother can also work with the reduced-fat, oat, soy, or nut milk of your choice.

Once complete, just remove the lid and pour the frothed milk over your coffee or espresso. The frothing process can take place while your coffee maker or espresso machine is preparing your drink, without adding any prep time. And voila! An idyllic at-home French café experience in three minutes or less.

Another benefit of the L’OR Milk Frother is the way it heats up milk or makes hot chocolate in no time. Just remove the spring in the center, then either pour up to 8.5 oz. of milk and press the button once to heat it up, or pour up to 8.5 ounces of milk and hot chocolate mix and press the button twice to heat and stir, yielding a perfect cup of cocoa.

 Frothing Milk with a Whisk

How to Froth Milk without a Frother

If you don't have a milk frother, the two simplest ways involve heating milk either on a stovetop or in a microwave, and then using a whisk or glass jar with a well-fitting lid to create foam.

To froth hot milk with a whisk, heat two to four ounces of milk over medium heat on a stovetop or in the microwave, being careful not to let it scald. Pour the hot milk into a pan, bowl, or large measuring cup with enough room for the foam to develop. Tilt it slightly as you whisk for several minutes until you reach the level of aeration you desire. Pour carefully over your beverage and enjoy.

To froth hot milk in a jar, repeat the first part of the process above, heating two to four ounces of milk over medium heat on a stovetop or in the microwave, being careful not to let it scald. Then, pour the milk into a jar, filling it less than halfway to leave room for the foam to develop. Using a kitchen towel or oven mitt to protect your hand, shake vigorously for several minutes until you reach the level of aeration you desire. Carefully remove the lid, pour over your beverage, and enjoy.

To froth cold milk for your iced coffee or espresso beverage, skip the heating steps above and simply use a whisk or jar with lid to aerate the milk. Frothing cold milk without a frother takes a bit longer and requires more effort, so patience is key. Once a thick foam develops, pour it over your beverage and enjoy.

Drinks to Make with Milk Froth

Frothed milk is a luxurious addition to café beverages from cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos to a simple cup of coffee, hot chocolate, matcha, or black tea. Whether you prefer your specialty café drinks hot or cold, bold or subtle, sweetened or straightforward, that extra layer of milk foam heightens the experience with a silky-smooth finish any barista would approve of.

To enjoy the perfect at-home French café experience every day, prepared with just two button presses in fewer than three minutes, explore the L'OR BARISTA system and L'OR Milk Frother.